Showing 3 Result(s)

The Lane 360 Tottenham Hotspur F.C.

An exciting project in collaboration with Tottenham Hotspur Football Club to create an online platform to honour their historical stadium as they demolished it to build their brand new one in 2018/19.

We created an interactive experience where the user can fly through scanned 3D spaces inside the stadium, land in 3D photos and explore exclusive content including interviews with past players and 3D scenes from real matches.

My role: 3D modelling, graphic design, photo & video editing, file management, social media marketing, website UI and content creation, sales, pitches & presentations

Third-Party Cookies Campaign

Thought leadership content is important for any brand. It builds trust with potential (and current!) clients, and solidifies the position of the brand to be an authority in their field.

This campaign was about the removal of third-party cookies and how marketing teams will need to pivot for this and build out a first party data strategy to remain competitive. My team created a series of animated videos to explain what third-party cookies are and how marketing teams will need to rethink their strategy going forward.

My role: Creative direction, quality assurance, branding

Lockdown Graduation Events

During the lockdowns, Avado learners were graduating from Apprenticeships & Professional Qualifications. They would ordinarily attend a big formal event with their friends and family, speeches and have a graduation cap and gown to wear. So, my team got to work tocome up with ways of making their graduations special (even in lockdown) and came up with the idea of an Instagram filter.

Hundreds of learners took photos and videos to share with their networks, and we shared them on our socials and used them to create a video for the graduation event, celebrating the successes of the learners. Below is a cut from 2 graduation videos – it’s been very popular – and to this day Avado uses the filter for remote learners!

Me having a go with the filter for Avado’s FastFutures programme, sponsored by BT, Shell, NHS and many more.

To try the filter: If you’re on a computer, scan this QR code using your smartphone camera. If you’re on a smartphone, simply click the button!

My role: Creative direction, ideation, quality assurance, marketing, branding & strategy