Showing 3 Result(s)

Onboarding Interactive

In collaboration with the People Experience team, we created an interactive onboarding experience for new starters at Avado, called Avado Life.

All of the experiences of current employees being onboarded to the company involved lots of emails and PDF attachments, and learning about culture and values after starting their jobs.

We collaborated with several teams across the business (including HR, Graphic Design, Copywriting, Exec and Interactive Development) to create this interactive, filled with information on policies, values, and general life at Avado, to get new starters excited about their upcoming journey with the company – all to be explored at their leisure!

My role: Creative direction, project management, prioritisation, accessibility, quality assurance & branding

User Interface Improvements

With a decision to move learning platforms to a new supplier, and limited options for branding and other customisations, my team got to work! We gradually made User Interface improvements to the look and feel of the platform using custom CSS; making the design cleaner, more on brand, and clearer for learners to move around their course, with accessibility front of mind.

Click through the PDF below for some before and after images.

My role: Creative direction, brand identity, quality assurance, project management, user interface design – and I presented this to the company during an all-hands

Avado’s Rebranding Project

In 2020, Avado worked with an external branding agency to deliver a total rebrand. Once the initial version was created, I volunteered to project manage delivering this rebrand across the business.

I collaborated with key senior stakeholders and external agencies to create an exhaustive list of requirements, and prioritised them based on business strategy and resource availability. I worked with designers and a web agency to create a brand-new website skin and structure, ensuring AA accessibility throughout. While managing expectations and steering priorities, we created a series of new templates across international markets, and produced clear a brand brandbook.

We built a team of Brand Ambassadors and trained them to look after the brand, and ran train the trainer workshops.

AVADO old logo

My role: Project management, creative direction, accessibility, brand strategy